Hi! My name is Tahlia DeAngelo and I’m from the Bay Area, born and raised. It’s been my mom and I for 25 years, and the best thing she has ever done for me is raise me to know who God is! She’s taught me to embrace my culture and to not care what other people think about me, Two vital things that have grown me into the woman I am today. My father was absent my whole life. Growing up I knew it was not my fault but that he had issues in his life that had nothing to do with me and that God is my father. I’m so thankful for Him!. I was taught that my God loves me unconditionally, protects me, and guides me. I never had a void because God put strong black father figures in my life that showed me how a woman is supposed to be treated, what characteristics of a good man look like, what a father’s love feels like, and how marriage is not perfect but hard work! These men have also shaped me into the woman I am today. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

My passion for helping others started at a very young age. I grew up to love everyone, be kind regardless of someone’s attitude, give to others, and have an attitude of excellence!. I think that's how I had so many people throughout my life feel comfortable enough to confide in me because they sensed that “I can trust her” without even knowing who I am. I’m specifically passionate about helping young moms due to me having my first child at age 19, which was challenging and still is. I was considered an adult and wasn't able to sign up for any young mom support groups since the cut-off age was 16-17. This was hard because the mom group I was in, was in their 30s and established. It became hard to relate to them and for them to understand what I was going through. Plus!, Moms are reluctant to share their own experiences due to another mom shaming or judging them! One example is, I'd constantly get asked if I missed my 3-month-old when I went back to work. I'd say yes, but on the inside I didn't, I was having difficulties with postpartum depression and was in an abusive relationship with my son’s father which affected my bond with my baby. If I answered the question with I don’t miss my baby, I felt like I’d be looked at crazy. This is why I am so adamant about supporting moms to create a safe space to discuss the hardships of motherhood! It's not always peaches and cream people. 

I created this Non-Profit because I want to change lives and make an impact in any way that I can. I’m here to Lead, Guide, Support, Uplift, Encourage, and Empower Women. I’m here to create a space of community for women to share their stories, including mine without any shame or judgment.

Tahlia DeAngelo
